A High-Fiber Diet Can Help Weight Loss
Common barriers for individuals that are reducing their caloric intake to lose body weight is that they feel hungry and
When the Doctor Becomes the Coach: Helping Patients with Weight Management and their Health
By: Keri Peterson, MD — February 28, 2018 — As a primary care physician, one of the most common issues
Sweet Weight Loss
How nice to know that you can manage your weight and still enjoy a sweet taste. Researchers found that dieters
Drinking Low-Calorie Sweetened Beverages Common Among Weight Loss Maintainers
ATLANTA (August 25, 2014) — Drinking low- and no-calorie sweetened beverages, including diet sodas, are common among people who have maintained significant
High Fiber Chef: Cooking Tips to Prepare High Fiber Foods Like a Pro
Fiber is an essential component of the human diet that provides many health benefits, including digestive health and weight management.
Busy Families Can Be Healthy Ones
You are not alone. We all have had those days and weeks where we have great intentions to get everything
Create Healthier Eating Habits by Adding, Not Subtracting
As a registered dietitian nutritionist I am frustrated when I see headlines like, “5 Foods You Should Never Eat” or
3 Healthy Habits that Aren’t Just for Weight Loss
By: Jill Weisenberger, MS, RDN, CDE, FAND — It’s common for dieters to bump up their exercise, trim portions, eat
Top 5 Lifestyle Changes People are Making to Achieve Weight Loss
With obesity rates on the rise, more and more Americans are making efforts to manage their weight through lifestyle changes.
Better than Willpower
By: Jill Weisenberger, MS, RDN, CDE, FAND —I am not a fan of willpower. It isn’t because I don’t have any.
Managing Diabetes & Carb Counting
By: Rosanne Rust, MS, RDN, LDN — Diabetes affects approximately 30.3 million Americans, or 9.4% of the population, according to
Low and No Calorie Sweeteners in Diabetes Management
Neva Cochran, MS, RDN, LD – November is a time to focus attention on diabetes, its prevention and treatment. About
What Steps Can I Take to Prevent or Manage Diabetes Through Diet?
Blood glucose is primarily impacted by the carbohydrates in the foods and beverages consumed. Here are some steps to help
Back to School Healthy Eating Tips for the Whole Family
By: Jessica Levinson, MS, RDN, CDN —The kids are back in school, after-school activities are in full swing, and before
Eat Together, Eat Better
By: Jill Weisenberger, MS, RDN, CDE, FAND — Yes, it’s true! When families eat together, they eat better. Specifically, kids
Seasonal Recipes
Holidays Stevia provides a low-calorie alternative to sugar for every season, celebration or special occasion. Whether you’re baking cookies for
September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
Each month of the year has it’s own health observations to bring light to the wellness issues that impact our
5 Ways to Stay Hydrated All Year Long
Hydration is something we think about often during the hot summer months when we’re noticeably thirsty and sweaty, but as
The Power of a Morning Ritual
Though clients come to me for diet advice, they typically need much more than just guidance on what to eat.
How to Make Recipes Your Own: Pumpkin Edition
Some people cannot wait until the calendar turns from August to September, just so they can enjoy a variety of
How This Dietitian Took Control of Her Sweet Tooth
When you’re a dietitian, the assumption is that eating healthy comes effortlessly to you. Believe me, that is not necessarily
Create a Healthy Vegetarian Diet
Are you thinking of making Meatless Monday, every day? If you’re considering trying a vegetarian diet you should know that
Stevia: Sweetening the Past, Present and Future
Stevia has an interesting history beginning with its discovery more than 200 years ago. It is thought that the indigenous
The Delicious Differences Between Custard, Pudding, and Mousse
One of my favorite things about being a registered dietitian nutritionist is learning about and celebrating food. And there are
What 22,000 Adults Had to Say About Low-Calorie Sweeteners and Weight Loss
Research on regular users of low-calorie sweeteners has found they have better diets than nonusers. If that isn’t incentive to use
Add Some Flavor to Your Weight Loss Plan
Everyone knows that losing weight means making changes in the way we eat and our level of activity. Eating less
The State of the Science on Stevia
July 6, 2018 — Dr. Keith Ayoob, Associate Clinical Professor Emeritus at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New
Sensory Analysis and Mathematical Modelling Drive Improved Stevia Taste
June 28, 2018 — Dr. John Fry, internationally-acknowledged expert on high-potency sweeteners, presented “Application and Innovation in Stevia and Taste
Welcome Warmer Weather with a Garden
I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love food. My love of eating and trying new foods, especially health-boosting
Keep Up Your Fruits and Veggies This Winter
Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is one of the most important steps to take in maintaining good
Ask an Expert
The recommendations to decrease sugar in our diets are increasing. Thankfully, Stevia is here to help! Stevia is a low-calorie
Fine-Tune Your Back-to-School Routine
Heading back to school can be an exciting but stressful time. Good bye to the slow pace of summer and
How to Stay Active This Summer
Do you find your activity level changes with the seasons? Exercise is an important part of weight management and overall
A Lighter Line Up For Your Summer Party Menu
Memorial Day signals the kick-off to the summer season; a time for backyard barbecues, picnics, bonfires and pool parties. Unfortunately,
Take Control of Diabetes
According to the WHO, currently 422 million people in the world have diabetes. What’s more staggering is that the WHO
Food Safety Made Easy
I have a lot of passion for nutrition, but one area I am especially fervent about is food safety. Anyone
Using Stevia to Meet New Dietary Guidelines
January 2016 was an exciting month in the world of nutrition, as it brought the highly-anticipated release of the 2015-2020
Healthy Big Game Sunday
Big Game Sunday is for many the first test in your resolution for a healthier year. It’s day spent not
Q&A with resident RD for Stevia
Stevia…what do you know about it? Wondering if you should use it in your coffee or tea? Perhaps you are
Six Ways to Make Your Resolutions Stick
By this time, many people have made their resolutions and declared their intentions for 2016. If you are like a
Take Control of Late Night Snacking
That time of night is finally here, when you can sit and just relax after a hectic day. Then it
Healthy Halloween
The scariest part of Halloween can be dodging all those sweet treats and candies if you are trying to watch
Fall Food Roundup
Autumn is a special time of year. The kids are back in school, football is in full swing and you
What Does it Mean to Eat Nutrient Dense Foods?
Nutrient dense. Before I became a dietitian I always found this to be a confusing term. What are nutrient dense
How Do You Use Stevia?
So you’ve decided it’s time to make some changes in your diet, and the excess calories have got to go. You
Living Naturally with Stevia
What exactly is stevia? Stevia is a South American plant, Stevia rebaudina, native to Paraguay that has been used as
Managing Diabetes With Help From Stevia
Diet and exercise are important lines of defense when it comes to maintaining good health with diabetes. Making the needed
Summer Barbecue Tips
As a registered dietitian, I hear it all the time from clients ….”I was doing great until I went to
What is a Calorie?
So, what exactly is a calorie? A calorie is the amount of heat required to heat 1 liter of water
Spring Clean Your Diet in 3 Easy Steps
The clock has sprung forward as the planet begins to wobble in the opposite direction and we will finally start
Keep Cool in the Kitchen with 7 Easy Tips
I love to cook…or to be more truthful, I love home cooked meals. As a dietitian, I feel that preparing
Six Tips for a Safe and Healthy Summer Picnic
July is a fantastic time of year for combing two of my favorite activities – enjoying the outdoors and… EATING!
Find Inspiration to Eat Healthier This Summer
June is upon us and for those of you contemplating a healthier diet or even just looking to get re-inspired,
All about All-Natural Stevia
So you’ve probably been hearing a lot about Stevia lately, a new zero calorie sweetener that’s becoming pretty popular. Earlier
What’s the Difference Between Stevia Extract and Stevia Leaves?
For the past few years you haven’t been able to talk about dieting and healthy eating without hearing about stevia,
New Statement from American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association Supports Low-Calorie Sweeteners as Useful Substitutes for Sugar
July 10, 2012 — Using low-calorie sweeteners in beverages and other foods has the potential to help people reach and
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Position Paper Confirms Safety and Benefits of Low-Calorie Sweeteners
Consumers can safely enjoy a range of sweeteners, both full-calorie and low-calorie ones, as part of a healthy diet guided
Keep the Holiday Spirit, Not the Seasonal Weight Gain – Preparing Favorite Holiday Foods with Stevia Instead of Sugar Cuts Calories
December often means a calendar packed with holiday parties and high-calorie foods. While in the thick of the holiday season,
Sweet Victory: EU Approves Stevia
November 16, 2011 — The Calorie Control Council welcomes this week’s decision by the European Commission to authorize the use
Stevia Gaining Approval in Europe
August 3, 2011 — The Standing Committee of the European Commission (Directorate-General Health and Consumers Protection) voted to approve stevia
New research: Sugar Substitutes Help Reduce Caloric Intake Without Overeating or Hunger
July 22, 2010 — A new study published in the August 2010 journal, Appetite, further demonstrates that people who consume